Intuitive consultant and strategist for mission-driven business owners and managers
How you
can grow
with your business
or team
And how I can help
Building satisfaction
As a mission-driven business owner (with or without a team) or manager, you want to do what you are good at. You want to deliver value for your clients and gain satisfaction from your work.
Working with clients you have a click with requires three things:
- A clear vision of who you are and what you offer and mean to clients.
- Standing by your offer.
- Good communication to position yourself clearly and visibly in your market.
As customers increasingly choose based on identity, similar values and online findability and visibility, you must invest time and money in marketing and communication. But in a way that suits you. And in a way that makes an impact. Firmly establishing your company starts with the energy of your company. I help you get to the essence of your business.
Beliefs guide you
As a business owner, you’re likely convinced of your method(s) and solutions. You also have hidden beliefs that can get in your way. Maybe you think that things are not going to get better than this. Or you believe that more success is not in the cards for you. You might even think you have to grind yourself into the ground to achieve anything. And let’s not forget the idea that you can never say no to a client.
Sometimes it’s just those beliefs that get in the way between you and more satisfaction.

I get to the core
That is my greatest quality and it helps business owners and managers experience more satisfaction and gain more clarity about how they can thrive – giving them insight into the energy of their business and what works for them.

In short
I studied Communication and Organisational Anthropology and specialised in language as an instrument of influence.
I worked as an ambitious senior communication consultant and communication manager at several large organisations and discovered the power of intuition.
I am still ambitious, now from an internal drive to create clarity, learn and inspire others to work with greater ease and pleasure.
I teach intuitive development at the Centre for Life and Intuition (CLI) in Utrecht, Netherlands. In addition, as a CliftonStrengths coach, I help professionals and teams to create more happiness at work.
As a reader of organisational energy I get to the essence of your business
I started to develop my intuition in 2002, to learn more about myself and others and to be able to read people. Now, I can also use my intuition to read the energy of organisations.
Starting with the energy helps you run your business from its core.
And that is where my intuition comes into play. I articulate the information that lies beneath the surface, bringing out the core of your business.
I love making that process as pleasant as possible. Genuinely. Sincerely. With humour.
I love personal contact. Shall we meet? You can call or email me for a chat.