Intuitive consultant and strategist for mission-driven business owners and managers

Intuitive energy reading for businesses

Tap into your
own knowledge

By using my intuition
to know exactly how you
and your company
can flourish

Know exactly what is right for your company

Are you not sure about the next step with your business? Is it not going the way you would like? Do you find yourself overthinking, asking others, hesitating?

It is frustrating if you don’t know how you want to proceed or what is causing the stagnation. Or you know why things are stagnant, but not how to get out of that rut.

You don’t want to make the wrong decisions. You don’t want a long journey with a business coach. You just want clarity on how to move forward. And you want to focus on creating value for your clients.

Who knows what is best for you and your company or team?


But you can only sometimes get to that information. What if you could tap into your own wisdom? What if you could have clear answers to your business questions within two hours? What if you could see your blind spots?

What if the basis of your business is solid again?

A business reading gives you answers to your questions and it helps you to position your business firmly.

Within two hours you'll know where you stand, identify bottlenecks and solutions, and how you want to move forward.
No advice from someone who thinks they know better. After all, I don't know better, but you do, deep down, and I use my intuition to 'read' that information and tell you.
You will leave the session with concrete information and tools to strengthen your company.
With an energy healing, I align your energy and that of your business.

Customer reviews

Abeke shows you exactly how you want to move on

“I was in doubt about the direction of my business. Beforehand I thought, surely I should be able to figure this out myself. It was well worth the money. I got clarity and understanding. Now I can take new steps with my business with more pleasure and confidence. Abeke works like a laser light, she shows you exactly how to move forward. I would immediately recommend it to entrepreneurs who have a question of doubt.”

Mascha Schutz

Trainer Connected Communication, Commas

Bridge for the rebirth of my business

“The session gave me so much clarity. And that’s an understatement. It suddenly became crystal clear what I could stop doing what no longer served me, and how I could make room for the new. This was really the bridge I needed for the rebirth of my business. After the session, I felt much clearer on all levels and was keen to start the new. Not only am I ready to establish the School for Female Power, but I now feel from which energy I want to do that.”

Monique van der Werff

Coach, School voor Vrouwenkracht (School for Female Power)

Clear insights that I can really move forward with

“The first time I came to Abeke she only knew my name, and within 4 minutes Abeke was at my core and could name things no one knew about me. She gave me clear insights, which I can really move forward with. I can recommend it to anyone who is facing choices or wants clarity.”

Joyce Verhagen

Image coach, Joyce Verhagen

Wow. I marvelled

Wow! I laughed, marvelled, got to know more about myself and my roots and walked out the door feeling good. Impressive list, right?

Jeroen Kamer

Consultant/Director, dBvision

Rediscovering and unraveling yourself

Sometimes, you need the other person to learn more about yourself. Sometimes, you need the other person to hold up the mirror and say: this is you, this is what I see. Being looked at with that gaze is enlightening and insightful. It gives awareness and strength to rediscover and unravel yourself. We are all such complex beings that sometimes you get lost in your own ‘being’.

Larisa Cichy

Visual Artist and teacher Art & Design

What kind of questions do business owners and managers ask me?

  • I want to take a big growth step, but something is blocking me.
  • It feels like a lot is happening in my business, but I can’t get clear what exactly and I don’t know how to solve it.
  • I think my business can be more successful, only…how?
  • I want to change direction, but I have doubts.
  • The growth of my business is stagnating, how come?
  • I want to be clear about my vision and mission again.
  • I am facing an important choice in my business, but…what is the right choice?
  • There is a conflict in my team. How do I solve it?
  • Am I on the right track?

Do you want your clear answers?

You will get a recording of the reading


With a follow-up, if you want, to stay on track

Healing after the reading to boost and energetically balance your business and you

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Do you live outside the Netherlands? A session is also possible online

Everything is energy, including your business

You have goals, ambitions, a certain view of the world, and expectations. You work with team members (if you have any), customers and suppliers. Understanding your company’s energy gives insight into how it functions. It helps make choices, determine the right interventions and develop the right strategy. With insight into your company’s energy, you can strengthen your company.

In a business reading, you can get insight into:

  • Success Factors
  • Beliefs
  • Work processes
  • Influence of workplace(s)
  • Finance
  • Visibility, image and positioning
  • The undercurrent in your company
  • What qualities are present in you and your team (if you have one) and how you can use them even better.
  • Any questions you have.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Still think it’s a bit crazy or airy-fairy?

I give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You’ll get your money back if the business reading does not provide you with any insights.

So, there’s no need to worry about misinvesting your money.

Costs for Business Reading

Business Reading for Starters (within the first six months of starting your business): EUR 299 (349 as of January 15)

Business Reading for Business Owners without a team: EUR 449 (499 as of January 15)

Business Reading for Business Owner with team(s) and managers: EUR 549 (599 as of January 15)

Prices are exclusive of VAT. An invoice will be provided after the session.

Are you seeking clarity on one specific question within four months of the first session? The charge for addressing a specific question within three months is EUR 199. For starters, the cost is reduced to EUR 149.

Want more clarity? Let me help you.

Book a business reading

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